Hematoma After Sinus and Graft Procedure
Julius, a dentist, asks:
I performed a maxillary sinus lift and graft procedure (SA-3) 3-days ago using Bio-Oss and Bio-Gide. The procedure was performed without perforating the Schneiderian membrane. I noted at the time of surgery that the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus was paper-thin. There was minimal bleeding throughout the surgery and everything went very well with minimal trauma to the tissue. The incision lines were sutured in perfect position.
Three days after the surgery, the patient returned for follow up and presented with a hematoma formed above the attached gingiva and also presented with a significant extra-oralfacial swelling.
Does anyone have any idea why this hematoma formed and why the dental implant patient developed such a large extra-oral swelling? Any recommendations on how to prevent this in the future? Any recommendations for treating the patient now?
OsseoNews.com Editor Note: SA-3 is designation for a subantral surgical intervention where the maxillary sinus is entered from the lateral wall. The membrane is lift and a graft is placed on the floor. Implant fixtures are installed after healing. A variety of materials have been used for these grafts. Indicated for cases with 5-10 mm of bone between antral floor and crest of alveolar ridge.