I have used alloderm, dermis and connective tissue graft.
In the past I had a lot of complications with alloderm, we can probably blame it on my technique and or learning curve but not necesarily.
With dermis to this day I have not had any complications, it seems to have a better clinical behavior, but it could be that I have more experience and training in the use of dermal grafts than before when I was using alloderm (so I wont blame it completely on the alloderm).
I cant explain why the complications, I have ask the big experts but the answers have come during sponsored presentations and during those I am not very trusty of what I hear.
So this is my personal opinion based on many many cases with, alloderm, dermis and connective tissue.
If you use a dermal graft, no matter which one, you better have PRP and fibrin and you soak it on it, following the protocol of Pat Allen or even Pikos, which is about 2 minutes on each of them (PRP and fibrin). You also need to ideally make sure you have blood supply, so it is better to leave the periosteum attached (in the case you mentioned in your question) so you can place the dermal graft in between so you have blood supply below and on top of the dermal graft you are placing. For this purpose use a sharp knife and carefully disect the area; Salvin dental has a set of microblades that can be bent up to 30 degrees and work great for that (I dont have anything to do with salvin, if there is another place that sell them look for it.)
The dermal graft should be sutured since you dont want it to move, movement of the dermal graft is bad news. And you dont want it exposed.
Ideally use 6.0 or 7.0 suture (poly will make it)
My suggestion is that anyone takes Dr Pikos course, it is the best course I ever took in my whole life, it is worth every penny; also Pat Allen's course is excellent, but his technique is a little more advanced so first Pikos then allen's, you wont regret even if you are an expert, so many tricks and recomendations based on evidence and clnical experience from very given instructors.
about connective tissue, dont be worry of doing a second surgical site, it is worth it! nothing works like connective tissue, of course more clinical time and more pain, but if you dont have PRP, or if you are working in the proximity of implants its better to go straight to the palate and harvest some connective tissue, if the patient has it! as somebody said, some times it is too thin and hard to harvest.
I hope this help you.
Dr Ordonez
rafi rafiee
great thank you! can u please tell me , which pikos course are u talking about?