O-Rings: Best Method for Overdenture Retention?

Hal, a dentist, asks:

What is the best method for holding a full denture to dental implant abutments? I’ve read alot about the O-Ring method, but I’m not sure if it is always applicable. I’ve also heard of using milled bars or magnets. Which method is the most retentive? Are there specific cases where one should be used and not another? Most importantly, which method do patients like the best? Thanks for any thoughts.

2 Comments on O-Rings: Best Method for Overdenture Retention?

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hands down, the easiest, most retentive, most economical (relatively speaking) ate "Locator" attachments. Very retentive, very easy to place and easy and quick to change the nylon inserts when they do wear (and they last MUCH longer than "O" rings)
Ron H

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