Dr. Gerald Rudick, Montreal, Canada
We have some information as far as the height of the available bone, but we do not know how wide the ridge is, and therefore have no idea of what diameter implants to use; or the quality of the exisitng bone.
If the ridge is wide, then it would be possible to place shorter implants into the #24 & #25 area; and a tilted longer implant into the tuborosity region.
From the panorex, we see that the single lower molar has already began to extrude because it does not have an antagonist.
For #24 area a 10mm tapered implant could be used because there is more than 12mm of available bone; for #25 area since there is 5.8mm from the crest of the ridge to the floor of the sinus, it would be simple to start the osteotomy by drilling to a depth of 5mm; and then with osteotomes, greenstick fracture the floor of the sinus and insert PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) as a membrane, or a collagen membrane to protect the Schneiderian membrane before pushing in the grafting material ( hopefully prepared with PRP); which will be followed by a 10mm tapered implant of adequate diameter for the ridge.
A 13-15 mm tapered implant of proper diameter could be drilled on a mesial tilt to take advantage of the bone in the tuberosity.
I would reccomend waiting 4 -6 months before loading, and a transmucosal abutment (TMA ) could be used to correct the angulation of the tilted implant and prosthetic abutments could then be placed; and a temporary 4 unit bridge made, with a pontic over the area with the least amount of available bone.
At a later date, when function is restored with the temporary plastic bridge, a sinus lift could then be attempted to generate bone for #26; and possible future implant in that area.
Realistically, sinus grafting does not always give us the optimal amount of bone needed to place an implantin the sinus ...but by placing three implants as suggested, will give the possibility of converting the temporary prosthesis to a four unit definitive ceramo-metal bridge should the graft not be successful.
Judging by the depth of the restoration on #36, gives us some indication that this 36 year old male, may have been a very neglectful dental patient and we do not know if he is a smoker...where grafting may not be indicated.
The ADIN DENTAL IMPLANT Company carries a full range of products at reasonable prices to get this case underway.
I would reccomend that the implants should be splinted together for better stability.