Bone Deficiency Case: Correct Orthodontic Protocol?
Dr. BF asks:
Hi! I need advice on a case. See photos below.
Case: 60+ year-old healthy male, non smoker. Maxillary right 1st premolar is hopeless and 2nd premolar is missing. The 2nd premolar site is severely deficient in both height and width as will the 1st premolar site be upon extraction. The height of the bone on the mesial of the 1st premolar is at normal height while the distal height is almost non existent. Rather than graft this severe defect the orthodontist and I are considering extrusion and distalization of the 1st premolar prior to its extraction and implant replacement to correct the defect. Neither of us have attempted this type of ridge development to correct both height and width before and are looking for advice and orthodontic protocol before moving ahead. Has anybody else tried this treatment plan? Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you!
Occlusal View
Right Side View