Case: Bone Regeneration on Adjacent tooth whilst Placing Implant and Grafting with Vital
Dr. F submits this case:
With over 1,000 successful graft cases in the last 8 years, the newer Synthetic graft materials have allowed for the modification of treatment protocol to speed up and improve the results by working with the body’s healing process using Bio-compatible , bacterio-static and bio-absorbable materials.
In this case, the patient is a 38 year old Female , non-smoker and non-diabetic who had periodontal mobility on the Upper right Central which was extracted by the referring dentist and a partial upper denture fitted..
The case was commenced 3 weeks post extraction to allow for soft tissue closure and a flap was raised showing a 5 mm buccal defect ( 6 mm wide ) . The site was extensively curretted and the Implant ( Intoss ) placed with good primary stability and the graft with Vital was then done allowing a full 3 mins to set and the site sutured.
The case was then loaded at 3 months ( earlier loading to benefit from re-modelling ) due to not using a collagen type membrane and thus benefiting from the improved access to the periosteal blood supply. What is noted is the long term improvement of the bone not just pre-implant but on the adjacent lateral as well. As the material is fully bio-absorbed at 4 months to a year dependent on patient physiology what we see radiographically must be new host bone. I can post clinical photos as well if any interest but the implant tooth is indistinguishable from the other teeth and the gingiva ( including papillae ) perfect after a few years.
Pilot drill showing bone loss on adjacent lateral
Graft with Vital
3 months ready to load
loaded years