Centric Relation Record
OsseoNews: What is your procedure of choice in making a centric relation record?
Dr. Jameson: In my hands, an intra-oral needlepoint tracing made with stable recording bases at the central bearing area of the mandibular arch is by far the most accurate. While standing, the patient is instructed to move the mandible forward and backward to achieve the most retruded position. To give the patient a point of reference as to when this is accomplished, the patient is instructed to place the little finger in the ear canal on either side, fingernail to the rear. The patient can then feel the head of the condyle bump the fingers when the mandible is retruded forcefully (Figure 3, 4). From this position, the patient is then instructed to move the mandible from side to side drawing the classic arrow point tracing (Figure 5). It is important this procedure be accomplished without any physical contact between the patient and clinician. The recording bases are then luted together at this point with quick set impression plaster (Bosworth Plastogum).
Dr. Jameson is a board certified Prosthodontist who has done considerable work in disseminating information concerning the concept of linear non-interceptive occlusion. He was a consultant in Prosthodontics to the Surgeon General, USAF prior to his retirement from active duty and has been a consultant to the Department of Veterans Affairs.