Crescent Bone Loss with Nobel Replace Select Implants: Feedback?
I placed Nobel Biocare Replace Select implants in November 2011 (1st panoramic radiograph), follow up panoramic radiograph was taken in June 2012.  There are vertical crescent shaped areas of bone loss around both implants.  I torqued the implant  to 35Ncm  at installation.  I took great care at surgery to maintain a sterile field.  See intraoral photos, for soft tissue assessment.  Patient has adequate oral hygiene, is a smoker, but otherwise healthy. Unsure of the etiology of this bone loss, and hesitant to restore as I’d like to be reasonably sure of a good long term prognosis for these implants. I am aware angulation of placement could be better, I’m seeking feedback specifically regarding the crescent bone loss. Advice guidance would be greatly appreciated.
PAN at placement (click to enlarge photo):
![]PAN at placement](
PAN at 6-Month Follow Up (click to enlarge photo):
![]PAN 6 Month Follow Up](
Soft Tissue 1: (click to enlarge photo):
![]Soft Tissue](
Soft Tissue 2: (click to enlarge photo):
![]Soft Tissue 2](