Deeper Placed Implant Fixtures: Are Abutments Necessary?
Dr. B. asks:
I have a 73 year old female patient wishes to restore her six maxillary implants with an implant level fixed prosthesis. Implants are located at positions # 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14 [maxillary right first molar, first premolar, canine and maxillary left canine, second premolar and first molar; 16,15,13,23,25,26]. We planned for a screw-retained CAD/CAM milled titanium framework substructure with a denture overlay restoration. One month after second stage 2 uncovery surgery, a fixture level impression was taken. The sulcus tissue depths ranged from 2. mm to 6. mm. My question is: Are abutments necessary for the deeper placed implant fixtures or could this framework be designed for direct fixation onto the implant fixture even though some of the implant platforms are located so deep beneath the gingiva? My concerns include: hygienic maintenance, ease with any future repairs, and flexural strength under normal occlusal stress loads. What do you recommend?