Difficulty Seating Overdenture with Locator
Dr. F. asks:
I recently placed 4 regular platform dental implants in a patient’s mandible between the mental foramens. The dental implants are well integrated and stable. I placed Locator abutments on the implants and connected them to Locator male attachments in the overdenture.
For the first 6 months the Locators worked fine. Because the abutments were not exactly parallel, I used the Green Locator attachments for retention. After 6 months when I attempted to use the Blue Locator male attachments to increase retention, I had a great deal of difficulty seating the overdenture so I went back to the Green male attachments. I think the lack of parallelism of the dental implants is the problem.
Is there anything I can do to increase the retention of the overdenture? Any other comments?