Early implant exposure: suggestions?
I had placed this Straumann bone level implant and on day of placement there was 1 mm exposure of the implant on the distofacial line angle. I had placed a bone graft and PRF membrane and buried the implant. At the one week post-op the cover screw was exposed so I replaced it with a healing abutment. Now the tissues have healed in however on the distal I can see the implant platform since the tissue thickness if only 1-2 mm. Should I attempt to regraft the bone or do a CTG [connective tissue graft] or take out the implant and start over? Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have attached the day of placement radiograph.
![]Day of Placement](https://osseonews.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/X131NC_4.jpg)Day of placement