Easy Abutment
Dr. A. asks:
I am considering the use of the Nobel Biocare Easy Abutments for the restoration of an edentulous maxilla. How many Easy Abutments will I need and where are the best sites for placing the dental implant fixtures? The final restoration will be a cement-retained fixed partial denture.
Has anybody attempted this kind of restoration and what complications did you encounter? The one concern I have is if my surgeon does not line up all the Easy Abutments perfectly, I will have a problem with draw. What kind of surgical guide stent should I use?
OsseoNews.com Editor’s Note: Nobel Biocare markets the Easy Abutment and Snappy Abutment for use with the Replace Select Implant Fixtures. These are stock abutments used for cement retained fixed partial dentures. When properly aligned, both abutments require no preparation or modification. They are torqued into place and indexed in an impression. The Easy Abutment is 5.5mm high and the Snappy is 4.0mm, excluding collar length.