Essix vs Valplast Single Tooth Temp?
I have a simple question. I am removing #8 due to severe facial bone loss. I will graft and place membrane. My question is what temporary, Essix or Valplast, will put the least amount of pressure on the area so I can get the best healing?
5 Comments on Essix vs Valplast Single Tooth Temp?
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I always do my best not to place a removable appliance on an augmented ridge. Keeping that in mind, in your case Essix is more favorable for me, but the fact is that patients cannot eat with it, and they have to remove it to eat. which has its own issues.
A unilateral Partial can use used with this notion in mind that it won't touch the ridge, but it is a removable appliance anyway and it moved up and down and it also may extend on over the ridge. Beside that it is hard to adjust as the edema takes place, in my opinion.
Have you thought of using a simple Provisional Maryland Bridge or using Ribbond to Fix the gap while GBR is taking place. the problem with that is that you need to remove and re-bond it when you place the future implant.
You need to weight the pros and cons and the time and cost for the treatment and then make your final decision.
I have had great luck with Snap On Smile from Den Mat. It’s a bit pricey but there’s no pressure on the surgical site (so worth the cost) and patients can eat soft foods with it. It’s also very esthetic and “long term” to a certain degree. It’s easy to clean also. One of my patients is wearing now after GBR on tooth #11 and has had issues. He definitely prefers it to a flipper that he had to wear twice in the past for bone grafts and later implant placement in # 7 and #11 where immediate placement was not feasible. Definitely a lot less hassle than a Ribbond or Maryland bridge.
Sorry.....darn auto correct. My patient has had no issues with the Snap On Smile after the GBR on tooth #6......not #11.
If this is a singular tooth removal with adjacent teeth, why not consider bonding the coronal portion of the extracted tooth to its adjacent neighbors? I do this quite often in the esthetic zone. It works nicely bonding tooth to tooth , porcelain to porcelain , or tooth to porcelain. I simply contour the root of the extracted tooth so that it approximates the gingiva without touching the cover screw or the custom healing cap if you are using one. Just rough up the proximal surfaces of the extracted tooth and the adjacent proximal surfaces with a fine diamond. Etch the roughened surface with the appropriate enchant, silanate the porcelain if etched, and apply and cure the bonding agent. Place flowable composite on the proximal surface of the adjacent teeth, place the extracted tooth crown in its previous place allowing some composite to flow lingual to the crown. Have the patient down so the bite needs minimal adjustment when cured. Flow composite on the buccal aspects of the proximal surfaces so that its locked in place. Cure both buccal proximal, have the patient open wide and cure the lingual. Adjust the occlusion, deepen the proximal and incisal embrasures with a fine finishing bur to maximize esthetics. Polish and you are done.
This procedure does require more work at second stage surgery and when restoring but that’s worth it compared to the headaches of compromised esthetics, breaking flippers, Essix or snap on appliances. You can eat sensibly with this and not have a removable appliance that constantly bobs up and down. If this was your mouth you may prefer this mode of temporization.
I've milled a Cerec cantilever several times for these types of cases. When it comes to removing it, I use a Waterlase to break the adhesion and if needed can rebond it.