Exposed Metal Collar on BioHorizons Implant: Best Treatment?
Dr. M. asks:
I placed a 12mm long and 5mm diameter Biohorizons dental implant (non-laserlok) in the #30 [mandibular right first molar; 46] with two-stage approach, and covered the implant fixture with a cover screw. Then I closed the implant surgical site with a mucoperiosteal flap and 5 sutures. Everything looked good, but one (1) week later at suture removal, I could see the whole cover screw and the metal collar on the lingual side. Apparently on the lingual side the flap had failed to close completely. The patient had not experienced any pain, swelling, inflammation and there was excellent primary stability without mobility. The patient was instructed to rinse with chlorhexidine. Two months after surgery the condition is still the same. I think the implant may not have been placed deep enough. Does this need any further treatment? What kind of treatment would you recommend? Does the exposed metal collar seriously jeopardize the longevity of the implant? How should the crown margin be adjusted to compensate for this problem or should I just proceed as usual with the fabrication and insertion of the crown?