Exposure Down to the Second Threads: Recommendations?
Dr. K. asks:
I am a periodontist and install implants for my referring dentists. Recently I was referred a case where the patient was missing #25, 24 and 23 [mandibular right lateral incisor, mandibular left central incisor and mandibular left lateral incisor; 42,41,32] and the dentist treatment planned for 2 implants to be restored with a fixed partial denture. I placed Ankylos implants in #25 and 23 positions. The referring dentist placed a temporary cement retained fixed partial denture. The patient now presents with a huge excess cement mass that apparently filled the spaces left by the original surgery. The patient has bone loss on both implants with exposure down to the second threads. I curetted the site and sutured close. What do you recommend that I do now? Should I use a particulate bone graft and membrane after disinfecting the threads? Mineralized or demineralized? Allograft or xenograft? Pedicle or some kind of soft tissue flap to close the site? Or should I explants the implants, graft and install new implants later?