Final impression after immediate dental implants placed too deep: options?
I extracted molar tooth #3 instead of planned tooth #2. I placed an implant 3wks after using L-PRF/DFDBA. Two months later, the patient still needed attention to #2. I extracted it and placed an additional implant, lifting sinus and filling with some sticky bone. I staged both surgeries as a one-stage procedure. Patient presented yesterday for final impressions. However I was informed by the office that soft tissue was covering the healing caps. My intentions were to replace with a larger sized healing cap and take the final impression. As noted, I placed the implants a little too deep so could not place larger sized healing caps. I intend to see the pt again in 4wks. However I am undecided on how to proceed. My options are to do a mid-crestal incision, with an oblique release mesial to tooth #4 to conservatively advance the flap to profile bone to fit a larger sized healing cap, wait another 4-6wks and then take the final impressions, or to use UCLA Abutments. Thoughts/critiques welcome.
Thank you for your time.