Implant #12 too close to tooth#13?
I just installed an implant in #12 site [maxillary left first premolar; 24] between natural teeth in #13 and 11 sites in a 59-year old male patient. The platform of the implant appears to be about 1mm from #13. At 1 and 3-week follow up visits #13 had normal periodontal probing and normal responses to cold and lateral percussion. But when I percussed #13 in a vertical direction, it felt different but was not painful. Patient returned in another 3 weeks [6 weeks from implant installation] see radiograph below. I also got a CBVT scan which showed a bit more than 1mm space between the implant and #13. What do you recommend that I do? Should I explant the implant? Should I have the patient return every week for re-evaluation? My primary treatment plan was for a bridge but the patient wanted an implant instead. I had advised against the implant because of lack of mesiodistal space. I could attempt to convince him to accept the bridge.