Implant in 27: Identify and treatment options?
I have a new patient who had an implant installed 7-10 years ago. Â I have not been able to identify this implant. Â Does anyone recognize this implant? Â Any recommendations on how to restore this implant? Â Should I attempt to place another implant adjacent to this one and then splint the two together with crowns? Â Anybody have any ideas on the best treatment plan for restoring this?
(click to enlarge)
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17 Comments on Implant in 27: Identify and treatment options?
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Dr. Juneja
28 does not have very good prognosis. Remove 28. Place an implant another implant mesial to the present implant and restore.
take care to keep the minimum distance between the implant-tooth (1.5 mm- 2mm) and implant-implant (3 mm) preserved.
Dr. Juneja
but why was this implant not restored till now?
Dr M.
The implant was restored, but patient says dentist removed crown and abutment. She don't want to have any relations with this dentist and he didn't want to say which kind of implant he placed.
About the treatment option I agree with you, but can someone recognize the implant???
Thank you!
Michael Ryze
Looks like PRODENT ITALIA but do a research in all database at
Erik Lennartsson
I agree looks like Prodent Italia, but check it on
28 / X for sure.
How is the opposing 3rd qadrant?
However I would not place an implant mesial to this implant. And as You mention the implant has been loaded for some time, an therefore I would not worry about loading it with a molar crown if the b-l position is ok.
Best wishes // Erik
I once had a situation like this. A small diameter implant in rg 36 was restored for many years. I discussed the different options like removing the implant or restoring it again. A second implant was not really the choice since there was too little space. I also think there is not enough space for a second implant here either. And as Erik Lennartsson says it has been restored before.
In my case I sent the picture to Straumann as I usually work with and place Straumann implants. they have a big database and within a day I had an answer about the implant and who to contact. they were right and I could restore the implant again like it was restored for ten years even thought if I would have started over I would have done it different.
Good luck
Dr Lawrence D Singer
Be careful of warning signs in this case. The patient can't get the records? The Molar is in horrible condition, so once you load the implant it will subject to a lot of occlusal forces. I would remove the tooth and the implant and tooth, graft the sinus and start with a solid foundation and plan.
Dr. Alex Zavyalov
The implant restoration is a short term decision of the problem. The adjacent molar is functionally unreliable and the patient, probably, may blame the dentist in the future, who could not foresee it.
Dr. TK
The molar is a non-restorable liability. No treatment is apporpriate until it has been removed.
I would break this treatment plan into distinct phases. First, advise the patient that you will not guarantee any aspect of the implant. Fabricate an immediate metal framework removable partial denture. Extract the molar (basic site preservation). Place a Locator (or other) abutment on the implant and pick up the housing in-office.
In two simple appointments, the patient is free from pathology and is receiving a true benefit from the implant. He then has the option to remain in the removable appliance, or use the RPD as a provisional appliance while pursuing a fixed option.
To identify the implant, I would send these photos to Darwin ([email protected])at Attachments International. They do not sell Locators, so if you choose that system, you will order directly from Zest. Zest will also be able to identify the implant, I just don't have the contact.
Curious to know how this implant was restored. It certainly did not have a vertical path of draw through that molar. Did the doctor use a 30 degree mesial angled abutment? I would have removed that also.
Dr M.
Thanks to everyone! I contacted Prodent Italia and they recognize the implant is a 10mm X 4 mm diameter.
I will discuss soon with patient the treatment options, but for sure I will extract molar.
I will update the case.
Thank you!
Baker vinci
Have you considered tx the perio dz. before restoring the implant? Bv
Dr M.
Sorry Dr Vinci but I can't understand the abbreviations tx and dz.
Can you repeat the question?
Thank you very much!
Baker vinci
Have you considered treating the periodontal disease, before restoring the implant. Ya know those words are Latin derivatives. Bv
Dr. M
For sure I will extract the 27, but I didn't thought to involve the 25 in the plan of treatment.
If you see the orthopanoramic for sure patient needs a periodontal treatment and a complete maxillary restoration but we always heve to face the economical disponibility of our patients.
doctor x
baker do you work in your office are you married??
Baker vinci
What kind of question is that, Dr. X. ? You may send your curriculum vitae to Vinci oral and facial........ Bv
Post script: I sure hope your DNA strand has a Barr body in it.
Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS,
extract the molar and place a second implant there. can you remove he healing abutment and take a picture of the connector?