Implant Patient has Persistent Metal Taste in Mouth: Recommendations?
Anon. Asks:
On 5/5/09 I placed a Zimmer implant at #10 with no flap in a very atraumatic placement and placed a metal healing cap in a 32 yo male in good health. I have known the patient since he was 8 years old and he called the office and stated that he had a metal taste within 2 hours of the surgery.
On 5/14/09 I placed a Zimmer temporary plastic abutment and placed a 3M plastic temp crown filled with 3M composite on the abutment. The patient was taking Buspar once daily for anxiety and a multivitamin. He was put on Pen VK 500 on 5/5/09. Subsequent to this appointment the patient still has the metal taste as well as pain and throbbing.
I told him to stop all medications and placed him on Vicodin ES. There is absolutely no contact with the temporary in occlusion and the tissue looks perfect with no sign of infection whatsoever. The patient is going out of his mind and wants me to take the temporary off. I am perplexed and not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I know that I can get rid of the pain but the metal taste is a different question. Thank you for any advice.