Implant supported denture while implant integrates?
I have treatment planned a patient for extraction of non-restorable #2, which has served as an abutment for a maxillary RPD. She also will be loosing #1, 3-7 and 13. I have also treatment planned her for 2 implants in the maxillary right, in #3 site, and an implant on the maxillary left in #13 site. I believe we will be able to use these to stabilize a maxillary RPD. She will need a maxillary interim RPD because her current RPD no longer fits and she has to wear something until the implants osseointegrate. What do we do in the interim while the implants are integrating to the bone? Do we just have the lab create the final RPD for her to wear now and then after the implants osseointegrate, we retro fit with Locator abutments? Any other recommendations?