Implants in a Coeliac Patient?
I have a 27 year old female patient suffering from Coeliac Disease.  She has a mobile #7 [maxillary right lateral incisor; 12]  (grade 3 mobility). She is currently take  Osteocare.  I have taken a DPT and a periapical radiograph to see the bone levels only to find huge bone loss. Obviously dentures are not welcome as a permanent solution. I am thinking that once her coeliac condition is under control I would do a scaling and root planing through perio open flap surgery. Then I would provisionalize  #6 [maxillary right canine; 13] and #7 with a partial denture, remove the impacted canine(if close to the future implant site) and eventually place 2 implants with a bone graft. The lower incisors are also mobile. I suggested electively extracting them and placing 2 implants with a bone graft followed by a 4-unit bridge four months later. Provide a good maintenance programme and review remaining dentition. Would you go ahead with implants? How would you tackle this patient? My main concern is that the implants do not take. Does anyone have any experience with this?