Loss of Membrane Case: Can This Be Salvaged?
Dr. L asks:
Please see the cases photos below.
For cases where I extract a tooth and immediately place the implant, I use a bone graft and cover with a Cytoplast TXT-200 d-PTFE non-resorbable membrane using Cytoplast sutures [Osteogenics]. One of the advantages of this membrane coverage is that primary closure is not required. I normally use 1-sheet of membrane but in this case the wound was too large for 1-sheet so I used 2-sheets. At 3-weeks post-operative, the membrane exfoliated by itself. The wound site is epithelialized and the implant platform is exposed. Some graft material has been lost. Is there anything I should do now or should I just wait this out and observe the healing? what is the best way to graft exposed implant, if exposed ? Can this case be salvaged?
Double n-PTFE
Implant Placed
Double Membrane