Major Paradigm Shift in the Dental Implant Market?

In an interesting new study on the state of the dental implant market, Millennium Research Group reported that the big four dental implant companies are beginning to lose market share to new competitors.

Specifically, Nobel Biocare, Straumann, 3i, and Zimmer Dental, the “big four”, held 73.7% of total dental implant market revenues in 2004. By
comparison, in the first quarter of 2006, the big four garnered only 70.1%
of all revenues.

Is this the start of a major paradigm shift in implant dentistry? Will the host of newer competitors continue to steal market share away from the big four? What factors will determine the market share breakup in the future? Is there really a system lock-in here or will lower pricing convince existing dental implant practitioners to move or even try another dental implant system? Perhaps, the expanding use of dental implants, by even GP’s, will ensure a more fragmented market in the future. What are your thoughts and what factors do you consider when evaluating the newer dental implant systems?

Note: For more information on this recent study by Millennium Research Group, please visit:

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