After 10 years of practicing implant dentistry and learning that once you finish a case, that is it, you need to get new cases and also you want to see these patients on follow up only and not for replacement of attachments or loose dentures etc. All the patient remembers is that they paid a fee and the were getting implants. Often times in their mind they don't realize there are many different types of implant prosthesis', so if they have implants and a loose denture 5 years after it was done, I have found that they are many times frustrated. Even though you explained all of their options before you went ahead with the finalized treatment plan. Two implant attachment dentures will always become a problem at some point. And you can not charge enough for the clip replacements and the number of times you will see the patient over the years. It is not all locator patients, but all it takes is one or two and they can became very difficult. I have found in my hands and stress level, I will only place 4 or more implants and treatment plan them for a milled bar with PD or Bredent attachments, strategically placed, or even better I will place 5 or 6 implants, give them locators as a temporary, and tell them they are temporary until we do a fixed prosthesis. Or if finances permit go straight to a fixed prosthesis and avoid all the headaches. Attachments I have found give the patient a false sense of security and they blame you when the denture loosens, even if it is after 5 years. Our tongue is very strong and I have seen patients who will show me that they can remove their denture with their tongue and they dont think they should be able to do that because they have implants. Just a word of caution, Implant Dentistry is great, but control your stress and look out for possible future problems with patients and try to avoid them.