Max central immediate implant after 4 Months sensitive to torque: feedback?
I placed a 3.7 x 12 mm Zimmer TSV implant in #7 site [maxillary right lateral incisor; 12] in this healthy 40 year old immediately after having removed his horizontally fractured tooth. I did have some concern about the primary stability as it was difficult to engage enough bone apically. However I did achieve adequate primary stability. Patient was not having any problems at 4 months post op. He then presented for restoration of the implant. I attempted to restore but I found even removing the healing cap produced mild pain. I found the same with the impression coping. I did take a periapical radiograph which in my judgement looked normal. Given the only mild pain I decided to put the healing cap back in place and wait another 2 month’s to restore. I have included periapical radiographs of the day of surgery and 4 month’s later. The soft tissue looks good all around. I would really appreciate any feedback you have.
At placement
4 Month’s post op