Maxillary Anterior Site Development Case: Your Suggestions?
Dr. J asks:
A 50 year old male patient, non- diabetic, non-smoker, without parafunctional habits, presented with a mobile #7 (maxillary right lateral incisor; 12). Radiograph showed little bone remaning around #7 & #6 [maxillary right canine; 13]. The tooth was removed, flap raised and curettage was done around #6 and the area was grafted using DFDB allograft. Patient’s oral hygiene is average, he wears a flipper [resin based partial denture] in the lower anterior region. I plan to wait for at least 4months and take a radiograph and if the bone looks good, I will install an r implant. If the area has not healed, I will wait another 2 months and then place the implant. What are your suggestions about this case? Anything specifically I should watch or take care of?
Pre op and post (after graft placement) radiographs