Need to separate implant from tooth-to-implant splinted crowns: recommendations?
73 white male in good health in good health with cement-retained, splinted crowns (#13-14) a NON-HEXED Steri-Oss implant #14. #13 is now becoming mobile related to looseness of the abutment at #14 implant. The implant is apparently 3.8/4 x 8 mm implant, the apex of which extends into the sinus about 3 mm with a flare of supporting bone around the apex and partially into the sidewall of the sinus. The implant is, I believe, still integrated well, but the screw is loose (likely a one-piece screw-in abutment). I need to section the connector distal to #13 to save this tooth (great hygiene with no periodontal attachment loss but vertical defect on mesial which should be reversible).
The question is what to do with #14? I thought it was hexed until I took a look at a more parallel radiograph which suggests it is non-hexed. Considering his age, though he is in good health, I was thinking of offering an option of a screw-retained crown using Lock-Tight on the screw of a screw-retained crown that could be retightened PRN. The space is about 10 mm mesio-distally but I would construct a crown with minimal table width with flattened anatomy, only contact between the flattened occlusal surface and opposing functional cusp centered as close to the implant table as possible and request tall, wide interdental contacts to assist with crown stability. Probably would change the screw each time it has to be tightened and then if that continues to be a problem, plan for removing the implant which will likely entail O-A communication risk and need for difficult sinus grafting for any prospective replacement of the implant. Suggestions for other “recovery” methods or experience with this method in past?
Tooth to implant splinted crowns #13-14 and NON-HEXED abutment is loose and #13 mobile