Palatal Dehiscence: Recommendations?
Dr B asks:
I am a board certified periodontist experienced in implant surgery. I would like to get advice on a recent case I just did. I placed an immediate implant in #8 site [maxillary right central incisor; 11]. At placement I noticed a 6 mm dehiscence on the palatal aspect. Instead of removing the implant (hindsight is always 20/20) I grafted the palatal bone with BioOss [Osteohealth; deproteinized bovine bone anorganic alloplast material] and placed a BioMend Extend membrane [Zimmer]. One month postoperative the patient developed a mild suppuration with palpation of the palatal graft. I prescribed Amoxicillin for one week. At one week there was no sign of suppuration and primary closure was achieved. The question is would you re-enter the site at this point and debride or allow four months of healing prior to second stage surgery while continuously monitoring for infection? What do you recommend?