Partial/Implant overdenture case: Ball attachments or switch to locators?
A 60 year old male presented with 2 Astra Tech implants in the 23 and 26 positon, one natural tooth remaining, number 19 [mandibular left lateral incisor and right lateral incisor, left first molar; 32, 42, 36] opposing a complete maxillary denture. Patient is wearing mandibular removable partial denture with a clasp on #19, ball attachments in #26 [Astra Clix female] and a healing abutment in #23. Patient was supposed to have a Clix female installed in #23 but moved. Patient was given components by prior dentist. The mandibular removable partial denture fits well, is stable and comfortable to the patient. #23 and #26 are not parallel. How much total divergence can this attachment system accommodate? Should I install the second Clix attachment or should I switch #23 to Locators? Should I just leave things alone?