Bone Graft Failure: What are My Options Now?
I currently wear a full denture on top, but have my own teeth on the bottom.I had a bone graft performed on my upper jaw, as I planned to get dental implants but didn’t have enough bone to support the implants. The bone was removed from my lower jaw, and placed in my upper jaw. But they had to remove some teeth from the bottom jaw so as they could use the bone for the upper jaw area. After the bone graft, my left side of gum area became infected, & the infection spread to my sinus. I had to undergo surgery to clean out affected gum area and had to have my bone graft removed on that side. The other side healed up nicely with out any infection or complications. My question is, what are my options now? Should I retry another attempt at a bone graft, or is there any other options out there for me? I wanted to desperately get rid of the false teeth scenario & plastic plate, but don’t know if I can stand another rejected bone graft. What is the percentage rate of failure of another bone graft after the first one failed?