Can I get all or some mini implants rather than all regular implants to replace three missing teeth?
A crown and post from a root canal in my upper left, first bicuspid broke recently and I need to get the tooth replaced. Over 20 years ago, I had 4 wisdom teeth removed. The bottom right tooth was very impacted and the adjacent molar was cracked in the removal process. I got root canal on that cracked molar (again 20 years ago), but to save me money, the tooth was filled rather than getting a post and crown. Recently, that filled molar cracked and cause an infection that required both the remaining molars on the right side to be removed. I’m getting the three teeth replaced, but the cost of three dental implants, posts and crowns is scary. I’m wondering if mini dental implants might be an option for one or more of the missing teeth. Can I do a combination of regular implants and minis? Or maybe I just don’t need to have that many regular implants? Any thoughts? Thanks!