Crown to dental implant came off during flossing: what should I do?
I had an implant done about 7 years ago. Recently I was flossing and I guess the floss was caught in the gap of the crown. Thinking it was a piece of food that was really stuck, I flossed and pulled hard to the point that my crown came off. I picked it up, rinsed it, rinsed my mouth with mouthwash as the implant stinked really bad. Then I put the crown iback on and thankfully it stayed. Of course it feels a bit loose, but not lose enough it’ll come off easily. I can still eat fine and I can still brush and floss, very gently of course. Since my husband and I moved around a lot in the past few years, we haven’t seen a dentist in years. And finally I made my appointment to see one today, then of course I found out I’m pregnant the same day. My question is should I bother going to my dentist still? Can anything be done to my crown since all major dental procedure aren’t recommended until after delivery. Should I just wait it out or do I need to see a dentist right away? Clearly I can’t go back to the guy who did my implants since I’ve actually moved out of the States.