Pain after abutment and crown placement?
I had 4 abutments and crowns placed one week ago, after months of healing caps and placement. Everything was fine, good bone, great healing. Perfect.
Everything is fine with 3 of the implants, but I have one that is still painful. The gum around it looks fine, but the dentist did seem to have trouble getting the healing cap out and the abutment in, due to a problem with the wrench. This particular implant was worked on the longest and was painful during the procedure. Once the proper wrench was located, everything went quickly and all of the other teeth are fine. I am taking a Tylenol/Ibufrofren combo to deal with the pain and taking left over Amoxicillan from another dental procedure done months ago.
Could pain in this one tooth 7 days later be due to trauma from placement? And will it most likely settle down? The gum area around the other teeth is sensitive but improving. After a year of surgeries and healing caps I have had no problem until now and only with the one tooth.