Success rate of autogenous bone grafting?
I have a failed upper dental bridge which was to be replaced with two dental implants supporting a third tooth in between. The teeth had been missing for some time and required bone grafting. This was performed using cadaver bone graft. However, for some reason it didn’t fuse to the existing bone and I have postponed my oral surgeon’s plan to use an autogenous bone graft from my jaw. First, I’m very nervous about this procedure. Second, I don’t know what the success rate is compared to cadaver bone graft? Third, of course, it’s extremely expensive especially given the fact that I’ve already spend thousands of dollars and am still at square one. However, I have to do something because I’ve been wearing a temporary “flipper” for ages and want to have a permanent solution that isn’t a denture. Another bridge is out of the question because the supporting teeth that held the first one are no longer there. Can any provide any thoughts on my case? Success rate of autogenous grafting? Risks? Thanks.