Peri-Implantitis: How Would You Manage this Case?
Dr. M. asks:
A 62-year old female patient presented with the chief complaint about a pulsating pain in the soft tissue above this maxillary 2-implant-supported, screw-retained fixed partial denture (2-abutment crowns and two pontic crowns). Implants had been placed in the #7 and #10 sites [maxillary right lateral incisor and maxillary left lateral incisor; 12 and 22 positions ) 2-years prior by another dentist. Oral examination showed that the hygiene of the area is good with almost no plaque ( PII 25% ). But there is a soft tissue problem caused by the lack of keratinized gingiva and a low-insertion frenulum.
Probing depth in the implant in #7 site is 9 mm with bleeding and pain but no mobility, and at #10 site there is no pain, no bleeding, no mobility and 4 mm of probing depth. The adjacent tooth #11 [maxillary left canine; 23] has been endodontically treated and has 4 mm probing depth and no pain or mobility-bleeding and no sign of a vertical fracture or other. Obviously this is a case of peri-implantitis in #7. How would you manage this case generally?
Case Photos:
Same implant with probe inserted