Placing implants while undergoing orthodontic treatment?
Is it a good idea to place implants (with possible bone graft) for a patient , while the patient is undergoing active orthodontic treatment? My patient is a 22-year old female, missing #19 and 20 [ lower left first molar and second premolar; 36, 35]. She would need two implants , with some simultaneous bone augmentation in #20 area. She needs orthodontic treatment to correct the supra-erupted #14 [maxillary left first molar; 26] and needs to have #18 [mandibular left second molar; 37] up-righted because it is tilted mesially and also to better align the lower incisors. The present condition of her teeth does not interfere with the implant placement but my concern is that would the stresses of orthodontic treatment interfere with implant and graft ossteointegration. What do you think I should do?