Playing Musical Instruments after Implant Surgery?
A concerned parent asks:
My son lost his upper right front permanent tooth when he was 12 years
old. Now he’s almost 18 and getting ready for a dental implant in
January 07. The plan is to remove his wisdom teeth and use this bone
for grafting and then place a dental implant.
My question concerns his ability to play his trombone after the dental implant surgery. Could the pressure on his mouth interfere with the bone accepting the dental implant or could it cause it to be crooked? How long should he wait before he begins playing again? Would it be better to wait until summer when he won’t have to play at all? Also, I understood that this was going to be done in one procedure, that is, the bone graft and the placing of the implant. Is this a bad idea? Should this be done in two seperate procedures? Thanks for any guidance.