Pregnancy and Dental Implants
Petra, a dental implant patient, asks:
I am a dental implant patient and I recently experienced an implant
failure in a rather unexpected way. I had the dental implant (lower jaw in the
back) for about 4 years without any complications whatsoever.
However, during my
second pregnancy and while breastfeeding it started to become a bit
loose. The dentist thought the abutment was loose and tried to tap off
the crown to screw it tight again. However, the crown would not come
It seems that the wrong (permanent instead of temporary) cement
was used originally. An x-ray showed that the dental implant was completely
fine, no significant bone loss, no inflammation. A few weeks later the
dental implant was loosened and came out with the crown still cemented to it.
My question is did my body reject the dental implant after 4 years because
of my pregnancy? Or did the dentist pull too hard when he tried to
remove the crown? What happened? Is there any data regarding pregnancy and dental implants?