PRF Protocol: Centrifuge Speed to Use?

I am trying to utilize the PRF [Platelet Rich Fibrin] protocol with a different centrifuge. PRF has the advantage over PRP [Platelet Rich Plasma] in that it does not require bovine thrombin or anticoagulants. Â Both accelerate soft and hard tissue healing. Â The problem is that I do not know what centrifuge speed and spinning protocol I should use for the PRF. Â Can someone with experience in this area help me to figure out just how to do this? Do I need to use the proprietary centrifuge?

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21 Comments on PRF Protocol: Centrifuge Speed to Use?

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Robert J. Miller
The PRF protocol utilizes a proscribed series of steps that optimize the separation of blood components while maintaining the viability of live cells. The PRF system, sold by Intra-Lock International in the US, uses a dedicated centrifuge that is specific for this protocol. There are many centrifuges on the market; the most common are from Harvest Technologies and BTI. The problem with these units is that they are optimized for PRP and PRGF respectively, and they are very different technologies. The centrifuge must be used at the correct g force, RPM's, and time of spin. However, EQUALLY important is the angulation of the tube, which must be at 33 degrees. This allows the RBC segment to move laterally to the glass wall of the tube forming a "rouloux" which helps the sedimentaion rate and leaves the platelets/leucocytes in the upper segment.With regard to the protocol, the best way to get the information you are looking for is to review the PRF webinar on the website This will explain why the system should be used with ALL of the components. RJM
Hi what time and speed to prepare prf liquid for skin injection using PRP centrifuge,I think the angle is about 45 degrees
Carlos Boudet DDS
If you are interested in the PRF system you really should learn the procedure properly by attending one of the courses given by Choukroun or Miller where you are exposed not only to the technique of obtaining the fibrin membranes, but also the science behind the procedure. This way you would know that PRP's effect is short term and affects or enhances soft tissue healing, not hard tissue as you say, while PRF's effect continues after one week when it can actually have an effect on hard tissue matrix formation. There is some information on the web if you search, including the webinar Dr. Miller mentioned, but the course gives you hands on experience in addition to all the information you need. As far as the centrifuge is concerned, you can get a digital variable speed centrifuge, start with a setting of 2700 RPM's and spin the blood in uncoated tubes (red top) for 12 minutes. That will get you in the ballpark and give you some nice membranes. But why struggle, take the course, get the equipment that has been nicely designed to make things easy for you and you will be able to provide a great service to your patients. Good luck!
Cliff Leachman
2700 rpm, 454 g, degrees, is it 10 or 12 minutes? What ar Sacco's parameters for L-PRF? Anybody know?
Cliff, As you are a techno guru check out CGF from medifuge. Btw almost done with the hard drive. Lot of videos for you, Isaac
Joe Sawyer
Hi Cliff, Can you recomend a centrifuge for PRF? Thanks, Joe
cliff Leachman
Whatever you can get that can reproduce the parameters for CGF or L-RPF.
Dr G. Subraya Bhat
we are continuously using the PRF for the periodontal osseous defects and implant surgical procedure and we get a good PRF after that we are using the speed of 1210 rpm and centrifuged for 1o min any suggestions for improvements and we have got better results with all these any suggestion to improve
Robert J. Miller
This is not even close to the parameters to idealize prf membranes/plugs. There are numerous studies from France (Choukroun, et al)showing that a specific g force, rpm, and angle of tube during the spin cycle will not degrade the platelets and maximize cell trapping. I know that you feel good placing that gelatinous yellow material you are separating from whole blood. But do you know the histology of this fibrin clot? Have you measured the survival of intact platetets? How many of the cells have been damaged by an incorrect spin cycle? It's amazing how we like to quote torque values for implants, argue about the nuances of different graft materials, and pontificate about the mode of failure of implant cases posted on this website. And then we totally disregard the established protocol for this biologically-based autologous graft material and wonder why we don't achieve the results quoted by other clinicans. Go to the Intra-Lock webinar, watch the lecture, and then make the small investment to do this right. Then we can have a discussion on the virtues of this protocol where everyone is doing the same procedure. Alternatively, come to the AAID meeting in Washington, DC this year where we will be doing a workshop covering these procedures and more. RJM
You gave two different posts and still didn't answer the question!!! Try 3600 for 12 min as per Rutkowski seminars
Nikitin Sergey
You can visit this site and there is a model of centrifuge Eba 20. I use it about 3 years and have no problem . The speed is 2700 and 15 minutes. If I have no result I repeat it and the result is ok. The tube should be without anything , only vacuum :-) I use the tubes Vaccuete( Austria).
Nikitin Sergey I have tried several times but unfortunately did not get the PRP by centrifuge Eba 20. could you advise me, if there any specific protocol to get PRP by Eba 20
Robert J.. Miller
The Eba 20 centrifuge is the machine sold with the PRF system. It has all of the parameters required for maximizing results when obtaining L-PRF. But the centrifuge is only half of the system. The other half is the PRF box that is used to fabricate plugs and membranes. In the U.S., Intra-Lock International distributes the system and has a cadre of clinicans who teach this modality. RJM
Cliff Leachman
excellent, you are the man, I've been trying to find the exact parameters to try on my Megafuge 1.0R. Been surfing Eurosites looking, was hoping someone in Osseoworld would share their knowledge and experience, just wanted to try a comparison bilaterally, for my own interest. Fascinated especially since Vegas and Dr. Millers lecture.
peter smith
I don't know how I stumbled upon this thread. I am a periodontist with a research background. I just talked with Dr. Ziv Mazor over the weekend regarding another project and he agreed A centrifuge is a centrifuge. Angle has nothing to do with the way cells move around while being spun if a correct glass tube is being used. Any centrifuge from 2500- 3000rpm's for 12 minutes will produce a nice fibrin clot. If a nice clot is not produced your centrifuge is off or you have a slightly contaminated tube. We use centrifuges that are $100-200 routinly and they work fine. best of luck
Could you recommend a centrifuge for producing iPRF for king injections. Thanks
Hi there Peter Smith, I know its been a while since you posted the comment about the PRF. I am a cosmetologist offering PRF as a new service. Would you be happy to email me? [email protected]
Cliff Leachman
Actually I found the parameters after much help, Thanx Isaac! CGF Centrifuge Parameters 13 minutes 30 seconds acceleration (1300 RPM) 2 minutes at 1200 RPM or 250 RCF 4 minutes at 1100 RPM or 200 RCF 4 minutes at 1200 RPM or 250 RCF 3 minutes at 1300 RPM or 300 RCF 36 seconds deceleration(1300 RPM) and stop Temperature between 10℃ and 15℃ L-RPF Centrifuge Parameters 12 minutes 12 minutes at 1750 RPM or 450 RCF Temperature between 12℃ and 15℃
Cliff Leachman
The 1300 RPM should be 300 RCF AS WELL.
Dr. Young Ho Cha
From Dr. Young Cha I will really appreciate if you guys let me know the contact telephone number or website which i can purchase the centrifuge for C.G.F. Thanks
Could you say me if u use 1960 RPM how minutes must use? Thanks

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