Removable partial denture is no longer retentive: best options?
I have a patient who had a maxillary removable partial denture Kennedy Class III Modification 1 [bilateral posterior edentulous spaces bounded by terminal abutment teeth] that was retentive. After extracting #2 [maxillary right second molar; 17] the removable partial denture was no longer retentive. The patient does not want to have more teeth extracted and cannot afford sinus grafting + multiple implants bridges. I would like to install an implant in #2 site and use a Locator to supplement the retention of the removable partial denture on the right side with a conventional clasp on #6 [maxillary right canine; 13] as well as conventional clasping on the left side. Can I combine the implant-Locator on the right side with the conventional clasp assemblies on the left side into one removable partial denture? Is this an acceptable removable partial denture design? Or what other alternative options should be considered?