Remove Broken Screws from Screw-Vent 10mm Placed 20 Years Ago: Any Insights?
Dr. B asks:
I am an endodontist who with the use of the surgical operating microscope and our endodontic micro-instrumentation has been entrusted to remove broken screws from implant fixtures. I have removed many screws, some easily unwinding while others had to be drilled out. So far all successful. I now have been referred a patient who has a Screw-Vent 10mm implant placed around 20 years ago with the abutment fracturing 17 years ago. With word getting out that I remove these screws this patient has presented to my office. This case is different than others in that there is an internal hex that is still in place within the fixture. Since I have not been able to unwind the screw, I have initiated drilling out the screw and hex arriving at one of the internal walls. I hope to remove enough of the hex structure to be able to work the hex out and then concentrate on the screw. With talk about “cold welding” I am feeling a little discouraged. Is there anyone who has been in this position or has insight to the removal of these remaining segments?