Septum lifting with DASK Kit: Case Photos

This is a follow-up to comments on a prior case submission, Concerned with membrane perforation: surgical approach? where it was suggested that you can could make the window more mesially with the DASK kit.

In these case photos, you see the septum showing DASK [Dentium Sinus Kit] access and careful lifting of the sinus membrane without tearing it and graft prior to window graft and radiograph 2 weeks post-op . All using EthOss synthetic graft which sets and is thus stable, yet is fully resorbable. Feel free to leave further comments/questions below.

5 Comments on Septum lifting with DASK Kit: Case Photos

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Thank you Moderator , just wanted to show a case with a careful lift on a septum . Here the instrument is on the septum and when lifting it is done away from the septum initially and then slowly on to a point where you feel resistance . The implant Osteotomy is the drilled using an internal Dask drill with the saline flow at maximum , so as you go through the saline pressure further lifts safely then pack graft into the osteotomy and place the Implant ( Here a Dio 3.8 by 10 mm due to the narrow ridge ) at which stage this photo was taken . The graft material is a mix of CaSO4 and BTcp , so in US Dentogen or Nanogen area good idea or if using PRF this can also be used . If you want a really nice x-ray throw some HA in as well but I fell true host bone will be the best over the long term as it can "turn over " more effectively . Then load at 10 weeks with Osstell readings checked . Due to restricted lower bite ( Only up to first molar ) only 1 Implant was needed . Simple safe routine I use all the time in last 5 years when Dask was introduced here complicated by the septum .My initial Dask site was slightly over the septum so I moved it a little mesially , hence the ovoid shape of the access site. Regards Peter
Peter, Nice case. I have recently started using DASK myself. I am fairly confident in its lateral wall opening but not yet come across a septum complication. With the septum are you more likely to perforate the membrane where this joins the lateral wall or is there any specific technique you might advocate over and above a careful slow approach with irrigation on max?
Hi Bulcott , ALways keep saline at maximum , the tear point is generally as you lift towards the upper part of the septum as there is an attachment to a sharp edge . So just use the Dask on the bone where you feel you are not over the septum , here I got it a little wrong as the distal was over the window so needed to move it a little mesial . Then I lift away from the septum as show by the photo until we have enough to place the Implant . At that time I use the Dask internal to enter the crestal area again on maximum saline so the pressure is safely lifting it further then graft , place and the graft buccally to seal the window as well . Peter
Peter, Could you please post more information about EthOss? What are its advantages over say Fortoss vital? Many thanks
Vital is great this post is more technique than material, in the sinus whatever you like will work well and I like the idea of PRF as well . Peter