Slightly mobile implant with bone loss: How would you treat?
A 60 year old , healthy female presented as a new patient complaining of discomfort on tooth #9(UL central), as well as not being happy with the esthetics of her upper anterior teeth. She reported having had an implant placed 15 years ago and has been having discomfort for 2 years. Her current dentist is a “holistic” dentist who refused to give her antibiotics, as he doesn’t believe in them. On examination the implant appeared slightly mobile and copious pus was draining through a fistula above the crown- see photo. The x-ray shows severe bone loss around the implant (Bicon?), but the crestal bone appears to be intact.
My question has 2 parts. Firstly how would you remove the implant with minimal damage to the remaining crestal bone, what graft materials would you use? And secondly, would you consider a bridge from 8-10 and a crown on #7 as a restorative option rather than another implant? Thanks in advance for your responses.