Techniques for placing implant in extraction site #7?
I extracted #7 [maxillary right lateral incisor; 12] 7 days prior and I would like to install the implant. The dimensions of the extraction socket are 5mm buccolingual by 4mm mesiodistal. The walls of the extraction socket are intact. The interproximal bone is 2mm coronal to the buccolingual bone height. Should I plane down the interproximal bone so that it is at the same height as the buccolingual bone so that I have a flat site for installation of the implant? I do not want to have the rough surface of the implant exposed. Should I install the implant so that the platform head is below the buccolingual bone height? Should I graft the socket and then go back in later after the graft osseointegrates? If I do that, what graft material and membrane should I use? How much later can I go back in?