Two Implant Brands in Two Sites: Can You Help Identify Them?
I have a new patient who presents with 4 implants that had been placed in Vietnam. The implants in the #18 and 31 sites [mandibular left second molar, mandibular right second molar; 37,47] appear to be one brand. Â The implants in #20 and 30 sites [mandibular left second premolar; mandibular right first molar; 35, 46] appear to be a different brand. Â I have not been able to identify these implants, even after going to Â Does anyone recognize them?
(click to enlarge)
10 Comments on Two Implant Brands in Two Sites: Can You Help Identify Them?
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Do you have periapicals of these implants?
Dr Chan
#20 and #30 are Ankylos implants. You must find out if they are the new CX (indexed)or the old C type implants. Not all their components are interchangeable.
#18 and #31 look like Osstem implants to me.
Your DPT is not very clear. You should double check with the reps.
Hope it helps !
How are you going to remove the broken healing head abutment threads?
William J. Starck, DDS
Unfortunately this is the best image I have at the moment as this was emailed to me by the restorative dentist. The patient is contacting the dentist who placed the implants in Vietnam so we can get types/sizes/etc.
I'll update as I have more information...
Baker k. Vinci
Don't you love the trans ocean dump? Maybe they will let you place a couple more implants. That seems like a lot of work, to place an implant retained fixed partial. How is it going? Do you still have an aversion to orthognathic surgery. If so, I can't blame you. I would rather place implants any day. Bv
Can be (ankylos - Dentsply and DIO - Dentsply) they are morse taper connection for sure. Best of luck.
As a last resort solution, in case you don't find any compatible components, make post cores to cement in the implants.
As an alternative solution - use duralay to duplicate inside of implant (taking care to remove and insert during polymerization (rubber phase), then send to lab to cast. after receiving, check adaptation, make a drag impression and send back to lab for milling and request try in of bridge. then finish as usual.
Can you ask the patient which dental clinic in Vietnam that placing these implants? I can as to narrow the system down.
Apart from the mid-ranged Ankylos, there are many cheap system in Vietnam, like DIO, MIS, OSSTEM, DENTIUM ETC. as long as I know the dental clinic I can ask for you.
WJ Starck DDS
Thanks Hoang. I am still waiting to hear back from the patient, as she AFAIK is contacting her dentist in Vietnam.