Very Enlarged Incisive Canal: Experience with this Situation?
Dr. D. asks:
I have a 21 year old male patient who presented for dental implant placement in #8 area [maxillary right central incisor]. The buccal cortical plate in this area has a concavity and bone resorption at this site was clinically evident in the consultation exam. The CBVT scan reveals a very enlarged incisive canal which runs parallel to and extends well beyond the adjacent roots. The width of this canal is approximately 3-4mm.
I have bone grafted the area of the incisive canal in the past on other patients without any complications. This is even suggested by Misch and he does not believe it causes any complications. However, the width and length of this incisive canal for the present patient concerns me. He will need buccal bone grafting to augment the site for sure, but the prosthetically acceptable positioning of this tooth, will place the implant right into the canal towards the apical one third. Is there anyone who has had an experience with this kind of situation? Any complications from bone grafting into the canal of that length and width? Any suggestions?