WorldWide Dental Bone Graft Market
According to Research and Markets, the global market for dental bone graft substitutes (including
allograft, xenograft, and synthetic bone graft substitutes) and tissue regeneration is valued at over $40 million with Asia Pacific Markets expected to generate over $18 million over the next five years.
Comprising Australia, Japan, and South Korea, the Asia Pacific market
for dental bone graft substitutes (BGS) and tissue regeneration has
experienced significant growth.
Research and Markets states,”The rapid growth of cosmetic dental solutions has fuelled a significant
increase in the number of global dental implants. This increase is
driving the need for dental bone grafting and tissue regeneration.
Growth in the dental market will be driven by a variety of factors,
including the increased use of bone graft material both in dental
implant and periodontal procedures, product improvements, the increased
exposure of bone graft products, and an aging global population.”