Zygomatic implant-caused infection in sinus which surgery does not resolve: thoughts?
Patient had 2 zygomatic implants and 4 conventional implants installed in the maxilla and was restored with a fixed-detachable hybrid denture. Over 14 month period beginning one year after installation of final denture, patient had 100% blocked sinus on left only, unresponsive to 6 courses of antibiotics and steroids, with pus draining through the left zygoma implant, Possible fistula suspected. Sinus surgery performed by EENT. Pain at zygomatic implant base and sinus inflammation has lessened but has not resolved. Subsequent removal of fixed hybrid denture showed no suppuration. The angled abutment in #11 site [maxillary left canine; 23] was loose. Tightening and torquing helped pain level but still remains at 3-4 on scale of ten, worsening to 8/10 with chewing and occasional throbbing. Also, infection produces boluses of pus and blood that periodically drain through nasal passage or at back of throat.
Cone bean CT shows sinus inflammation persists and less that full integration of implants. Considering replacing single fixed hybrid with separate snap-in dentures to isolate problem as an intermediary measure. Should we just remove the left zygomatic implant? This is not trivial as they are fully integrated into zygoma? Also: does anyone have any any data on sinus problems associated with zygomatic implants and resolution of problems?